In order to use a different encryption method than the preset method for
the OpenVPN connection, select an encryption type in the drop-down list
"Cipher algorithm".
In order to configure the detail level of the messages in the connection
log, enter the detail level into the field "Log level", where "0" disables the
log record completely and "9" records the most detailed information.
In order to define a certain fragmenting size for the OpenVPN tunnel
packets in bytes, use the entry field "Fragment packets". Enter the
required maximum packet size in bytes here. If you don't enter a value,
the OpenVPN packets will have a maximum size of 1.500 bytes. The
actually transmitted amount of user data is lower, because OpenVPN
creates a "protocol overhead", which means that the protocol
information that is transmitted as well is a part of the packet size.
In order to adjust the interval up to the key renegotiation, use the entry
field "Interval for renegotiation of data channel key". This interval
configures the time in seconds, which must expire before new keys are
In order to adjust the VPN ping interval, use the entry field "Ping
interval". Enter the interval in the amount of seconds, in which the
OpenVPN client of the EBW-E100 sends ping packets to the remote VPN
terminal. The frequent ping is used to keep the connection open via
several routers and gateways, which may participate in the connection
and would close the channel in case there was no communication.
In order to adjust the ping restart interval, use the entry field "Ping restart
interval". The ping restart interval configures the time in seconds after
which the tunnel is to be established again, if no ping from the remote
terminal has arrived during the complete time. The value "0" prevents the
tunnel to be terminated, even if no ping is received any more.
In order to send a ping via ICMP protocol to a domain or an IP address
additionally, enter this into the entry field "Additional ICMP Ping to". It is
recommended to enter a domain name or IP address, which can only be
connected via the tunnel, here. If the ping is not successful, a possibly
existing tunnel will be terminated, and a new tunnel will be established.
The ping interval is 15 minutes.