Now while you have access, remember everything is normally lose
and fitted for transit only. Check tightness of head rest chrome fit-
tings to bath. Note
why not loosen and silicone gently be-
tween chrome leg and bath mating surface, now tighten, good pre-
ventative measure against water!!! Think the same about any
other fixing during build. Check water outlet filler, steam outlet,
and any other fitment for tightness. If preferred seal between any
joint you feel necessary. Doing this now is far easier than when
build is complete.
Having made sure the first stage is completed correctly you can
move on the next.
Taking the left hand side glass (tint) and the left hand rear (tint)
place in position on the bath tub. Note: Cut outs in aluminium side
glass supports, these go to the rear of the tub with cut out just
over lip of bath. Rear glasses are left and right, shiny side to be in-
side cabin. Check picture below, the holes in each glass will align
with the fittings inside. Making sure each end mates to the other,
carefully drill holes through the slots provided to accommodate
screws, these are the back wall to side glass and rear panel to the
tub. Make certain both are aligned onto tub parallel to tub edges.
Note: Use correct screws not too long to protrude. Now remove off
the tub and silicone the mating surfaces: Side panel edge to rear
panel making sure the seal is going to be on the inside of screw
holes to prevent water ingress down screw thread. Side panel and
rear panel surfaces where they will meet onto the tub. When in
place, screw into holes you have just drilled. Side panels rest and
are not screwed to the tub. Careful to use screws that do not pro-
trude! Careful not to damage glass backing film with drill body.
For the latest fitting instructions please visit
For the latest fitting instructions please visit
17 18
Rear column upright
Screw rear panels to tub
Check fitting holes rear panel
left and right
Check fitting holes rear panel
left and right
Notice cut out to lower