Contents |3
We have done our best to include only updated, complete and accurate information on our products in this catalogue. We nevertheless need to point out the following:
1. innovaphone does not warrant that the information in this catalogue is up to date, correct or complete. The product descriptions contained therein are to provide information on the nature of the products. We would like to point out
explicitly that these do not constitute representations or warranties regarding the product characteristics. We explicitly reserve the right to make changes to the products at any time with regard to colour, design or technical specifi-
cations. All offers in this catalogue are non-binding and subject to change. All information on delivery times and product availability in the catalogue is likewise non-binding.
2. All brands and trademarks stated in the catalogue are fully subject to the provisions of the respective applicable trademark and brand legislation as well as the property rights of their respective owners. We hold the copyright for
the graphics, texts and illustrations of our products. Utilisation thereof by third parties requires our explicit consent.
3. Liability claims against innovaphone due to the utilisation of faulty or incomplete information and product descriptions shall be excluded, unless innovaphone is proved to have acted with intent or gross negligence.
4. This catalogue is only intended for buyers, who use the goods exclusively for commercial, governmental or official purposes or as a self-employed professional.
E 08/12 | D XX/XX | Copyright © 2012 innovaphone
innovaphone AG has been playing a decisive role in the de-
velopment of IP telephony ever since the company was foun-
ded in 1997. A communication solution, developed under the
name of “innovaphone PBX“, unites the security and high
availability of telephony with the flexibility and scalability of IP.
The innovaphone PBX hardware comprises gateways and a
range of IP telephones. The entire product range is based on
the unified hardware and software platform which is the core
of the innovaphone product philosophy.
Permanent development in close collaboration with our cus-
tomers and partners allows us to adapt the innovaphone PBX
to meet the ever increasing requirements on complex commu-
nication solutions and to provide an extensive and convenient
Unified Communications solution.
In contrast to other Unified Communications solu-
tions, the innovaphone PBX thrives on both the soft-
ware architecture and the powerful hardware. This
makes it possible to fulfil every requirement of so-called
"knowledge workers" and employees who need a conventio-
nal telephone to work with. The well-designed and prize-win-
ning design telephones are perfectly suited to be integrated in
the Unified Communications solution. Users are free to deci-
de whether they only work via computer or if they want to ma-
ke their calls without the computer - all this is possible using
the innovaphone PBX's same uniform user interface and
structure, without media disruption and without the user ha-
ving to deal with change.
We are pleased to present you with the innovaphone pro-
duct catalogue 2012/13 and are looking forward to feedback.
Please also consult our internet site for more detailed informa-
tion http://www.innovaphone.com.
innovaphone PBX.......................................................4
PBX Components....................................................... 5
VoIP Gateways........................................................... 6
IP Adapters................................................................. 8
IP Telephones............................................................. 10
innovaphone Licensing Model.................................... 14
Virtual Appliance (IPVA)..............................................16
innovaphone PBX: Additional Software & Tools......... 17
Unified Communications............................................ 20
Interfaces & Recommended Products....................... 22