16| Virtual Appliance (IPVA)
Virtual Appliance (IPVA)
A PBX no longer needs to be installed in one’s own compa-
ny. A virtual PBX can save investment costs for the end user.
Therefore an increasing number of IT system houses are pro-
viding PBX hosting or “PBX as a Service”. PBX is a reliable,
cost-effective alternative to buying your own PBX especially
for companies with a flexible number of employees, ever-
changing branch offices or other dynamic structures. The pro-
vider’s trained employees can quickly implement new require-
ments, at the same time guaranteeing up-to-date software and
securing the database.
Multi-client capability
The innovaphone PBX has various models in any size for
PBX hosting providers. The innovaphone PBX is multi-client
capable already in normal gateway mode. This enables seve-
ral virtual and individual PBXs to be run on the same gateway
for separate clients. The virtual PBXs can be added or dele-
ted dynamically without having to reboot the hardware each ti-
The VoIP gateway IP0010 is perfectly suited to operate se-
veral virtual PBXs. In combination with the media gateway
IP1060 and other innovaphone gateways, any number of
ISDN channels can be allocated to different client solutions.
innovaphone Virtual Appliance (IPVA)
The IPVA is an innovaphone PBX, which has been installed
as a Virtual Appliance in a VMware environment. VMware en-
ables several virtual servers to be set-up on one hardware
platform. This allows systems with a variable number of enti-
ties to be managed centrally.
IPVA enables big installations to be realised and set up ea-
sily. The solution is particularly attractive for newcomers to the
market as solutions can be extended from small scenarios,
with low initial investment, to scenarios of any size. Installing
a new customer solution entails just setting up a PBX in a new
VMware entity. Individual customer PBXs are securely sepa-
rate from each other and can be managed and billed easily. Li-
censes can be managed very conveniently thanks to the licen-
se master concept. The operator thus has complete control
over the licenses which are available to a customer.
The media gateway IP1060 or any other innovaphone gate-
way should be used if the innovaphone PBX, as an IPVA,
should still manage ISDN connections. Additional ports or ad-
ditional gateways are activated if the number of ISDN lines in-
There are no limitations in linking systems together as a vir-
tual appliance (IPVA) and in linking systems working on the
gateways as a base for the innovaphone PBX.
Licensing the innovaphone Virtual Appliance
Separate IPVA licenses are used for the innovaphone Virtu-
al Appliance. They must be equivalent in number to the num-
ber of port licenses. IPVA licenses can be managed on my.in-
novaphone in the same way as port licenses. There is one
difference however: these licenses are bound to the MAC ad-
dress of the VMware entity and can not be released again.