EMC guide
INN-019 needs special precautions regarding EMC and must be installed
and used in accordance with the EMC information contained in this manual.
Portable and mobile radiocommunication devices can affect the operation
of INN-019. The appliance or the system must not be used near other device
and, if it is necessary to use it near other device, the medical device must be
observed to check normal operation in the configuration in which it is used.
The electro-medical device has been tested and found compliant with the
emission and immunity limits of electrical medical devices in accordance with
IEC60601-1-2: 2014 These limits are stated to provide adequate protection
against harmful interference in a typical medical installation. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If the
medical device, interacting with another device, causes or receives detectable
interferences, the user is invited to limit the interference by adopting one or
more of the following measures:
1. to reorient or reposition the receiving device;
2. to increase the distance between devices;
3. to contact the manufacturer or local technician for assistance;