LT5889 issue 7(10/12)
600 CF
Installation Instructions
Siting the Appliance
That is a conventional brick or stone chimney as used for a solid fuel appliance with an effective
sectional dimension of 225 x 225 mm (9” x 9”) or a lined flue with a minimum diameter of
125mm (5”). The chimney must have a minimum effective height of at least 3 metres. Any permanent
flue restriction or variable dampers are to be removed or locked fully open. The chimney should be
swept prior to installation if it has previously been used with solid fuel. This is not necessary if the flue
has previously been used with a gas appliance or if it is a new installation.
A brick or stone chimney with a 125 mm (5 inches) minimum diameter flue liner conforming to BS 715 may be
used. Provided a suitable sealing plate is fitted to the base of the liner and the appliance does not restrict the opening
into the liner. Ensure a smooth lead into the flue way and no combustible materials are used. A void of 50mm must
be maintained from the top of the firebox to gather into flue
The front face and the base of the fire opening must be flat to ensure that a good seal is formed
between the rear and base of the appliance and the chimney to avoid any reduction of natural
Ensure that the air entering the appliance below the lower edge of the decorative trim is not
restricted. If the appliance is fitted above a forward projection hearth the base of the opening must
be at least 50mm above the hearth. Again, this will ensure that the air entering the appliance below
the lower edge of the decorative trim is not restricted.
Check that the chimney conforms to the required specifications as previously stated. Examine the
condition and carry out any remedial work including removing any debris from the base.
If the flue has been used for solid fuel it should be swept prior to the installation
Prior to installing the appliance a smoke test (using a smoke bomb) should be carried out to check
that satisfactory smoke clearance has been established.
If all the smoke is not drawn into the flue, pre-heat the flue with a blowtorch or similar and re-
check. If there is any uncertainty examine for the cause and, if necessary, seek expert advice.
No combustible material should be fitted inside the fireplace opening.
When installing this appliance against a dry lined (plasterboard) wall ensure that any void
between the plasterboard and the wall is sealed with a suitable non-combustible material (i.e.
plaster or mortar).
This area behind the trim/fascia
must be clear of combustible
material and be flat for the seal.
50mm Min from floor to base
Of the opening.
330mm Min Depth