Connecting C166 and C500 Microcontroller to CAN
Examples for the Connection of Infineon Microcontrollers to CAN
Application Note
V 1.0, 2004-02
Figure 15
Connection of a SAB 80C166 to CAN via the SAE 81C90 (parallel)
The SAE 81C90 obtains its defined reset via the RSTOUT# pin of the SAB 80C166.
The interrupt output INT# of the CAN controller is routed to a capture input of the host
controller (P2.0 in this case). Via this line, the CAN controller can report incoming
messages. A 40 MHz quartz oscillator feeds the SAB 80C166, whose CLKOUT pin
(which must be enabled in the SYSCON register) in turn supplies the CAN controller
with 20 MHz clock information.
Like the C167CR / C515C, the SAE 81C90 contains no implementation of the physical
layer and therefore a transceiver must be used. This driver module is connectd to the
SAE 81C90 via pins TX0 (Transmitter Output 0, set as a push/pull output by software
here) and RX0 (Comparator Input 0 / Digital input). Neither the second transmit pin
TX1 nor the analog input RX1 is required here. RX1 is at 0V because the signal shall
be evaluated digitally. Two of the transceiver pins are again directly connected to the
CAN_H and CAN_L lines of the CAN bus. If the transceiver has a pin for slope control
or standby, this can be driven by a pin of the two 8-bit I/O ports of the SAE 81C90 (e.g.
pin P00). The application driven by the SAB 80C166, e.g . a robot controller, can now
interchange data with other nodes in the same Controller Area Network.