Connecting C166 and C500 Microcontroller to CAN
Examples for the Connection of Infineon Microcontrollers to CAN
Application Note
V 1.0, 2004-02
Note: If a complete external CAN transceiver chip is used, the best way is to evaluate
the signal digitally as shown in this application note. But the SAE 81C90/91 also has
an input comparator implemented on-chip in case no such transceiver IC is used.
However, if the bus lines work according to the ISO specification, additional circuitry is
necessary for the interconnection of the input comparator to the bus lines.
Connecting the C511 / C513 to CAN using the serial interface
of the SAE 81C
The 8-bit microcontrollers C511 / C513 are new low-cost members of the C500 family.
The SAE 81C90/91 is an obvious choice for using one of these devices in a Controller
Area Network, just as it is for the SAB 80C166. In contrast to the the example shown in
figure 16, however, the SAE 81C91 (P-LCC 28, without I/O ports) was selected in the
circuit shown in figure 4.3-1. It is connected to the C511 / C513 and its Synchronous
Serial Channel (SSC) via the Serial Synchronous Interface (SI), which is selected by
applying a high level to the MS pin. In this example, the SSC should be configured as
follows: master mode, clock idle level = low, first edge of clock (= rising edge) = data
shift, second edge (= trailing edge) = data shift. The data width is 8 bits, MSB is sent /
received first.
Figure 16
Connection of a C511 / C513 to CAN via the SAE 81C91 (serial)