Connecting C166 and C500 Microcontroller to CAN
The Controller Area Network (CAN)
Application Note
V 1.0, 2004-02
In the Extended CAN Data Frame the Start Of Frame bit (SOF) is followed by the
Arbitration Field consisting of 32 bits. The first 11 bits are the 11 most significant bits of
the 29-bit Identifier ("Base-ID"). These 11 bits are followed by the Substitute Remote
Request bit (SRR) which is transmitted as recessive. The SRR is followed by the IDE
bit which is recessive to denote that the frame is an Extended CAN frame. It should be
noted from this, that if arbitration remains unresolved after transmission of the first 11
bits of the identifier, and one of the nodes involved in arbitration is sending a Standard
CAN frame (11 bit identifier), then the Standard CAN frame will win arbitration due to
the assertion of a dominant IDE bit. Further to this the SRR bit in an Extended CAN
frame must be recessive to allow the assertion of a dominant RTR bit by a node that is
sending a Standard CAN Remote Frame (see section The SRR and IDE bits
are followed by the remaining 18 bits of the identifier ("ID-Extension") and the Remote
Transmission Request bit (again RTR = dominant for a Data Frame).
The next field is the Control Field, consisting of 6 bits. The first 2 bits of this field are
reserved and are at dominant state. The remaining 4 bits of the Control Field are the
Data Length Code (DLC) and specify the number of data bytes (as for the Standard
Data Frame).
The remaining portion of the frame (Data Field, CRC Field, Acknowledge Field, End Of
Frame and Intermission) is constructed in the same way as for a Standard Data
Remote Frame
Standard CAN Remote Frame
Normally data transmission is performed on an autonomous basis with the data source
node (e.g. a sensor) sending out a Data Frame. It is also possible, however, for a
destination node (or nodes) to request the data from the source. For this purpose the
destination node sends a "Remote Frame" with an identifier that matches the identifier
of the required Data Frame. The appropriate data source node will then send a Data
Frame as a response to this remote request.
There are 2 differences between a Remote Frame and a Data Frame. Firstly the RTR-
bit is at the recessive state and secondly there is no Data Field. In the very unlikely
event of a Data Frame and a Remote Frame with the same identifier being transmitted
at the same time, the Data Frame wins arbitration due to the dominant RTR bit
following the identifier. In this way, the node that transmitted the Remote Frame
receives the desired data immediately.
The format of a Standard Remote Frame is shown in figure 3 below.