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RGB Control Dialog
The RGB Control dialog allows the user to adjust the gain and offset for
each of the RGB color components. Optionally, the gains can be set
automatically by invoking a white balance function.
Note that if either the YCrCb-20 or YCrCb-16 mode is selected, then
YCrCb data is delivered from the card into host memory and therefore the
RGB control function is performed by software. However, if the RGB-24
mode is selected, then the RGB control is performed on the card and
RGB-24 data is delivered from the card into host memory.
Figure 6 – RGB Control dialog
RGB Offset
Specifies the amount of offset to apply to each of the R, G and B components.
RGB Gain
Specifies the amount of gain to apply to each of the R, G and B components.
This button sets all gains to a value of 1.0000.
White balance
Performs an automatic white balancing procedure.
Instructs the HD-SDI Express card to analyze the current image
received from the camera and to calculate a set of RGB Gain
coefficients that will cause the sample image to be white balanced.
NOTE: Before clicking on ‘Analyze’, the user should reset all
gains to unity and point the camera at a uniform white target.
Instructs the HD-SDI Express card to use the calculated RGB Gain
coefficients acquired during the ’analyze’ procedure and to apply
these to the received image prior to display.