Operating instructions hardware
3.1 Set up hardware
Connect the power cord to the power supply on the side of LED-Panel V4. Connect the power
supply to electricity. Switch on LED-
Panel V4 by setting the power switch to “I”. The power
switch is located beside the power supply.
3.2 Hardware description
LED-Panel V4 front and side
Operating element front:
LED array
Trigger button
Mode button
Operating elements side:
Rotary knob for changing the frequency and dimming the display
Switch to activate/deactivate USB connection
USB Mini port (connection to PC)
Stop trigger (3.5 mm TRS connector, signal input *)
Camera trigger (3.5 mm TRS connector, signal input *)
iQ-Trigger (before: Digitus, 6.3 mm TRS connector, signal output *)
Defocus (6.3 mm TRS connector, signal output *)
Power switch
Power connection
The square array of 100 LEDs is segregated in ten rows, each consisting of ten LEDs. The
LEDs light up one after another with the set speed/frequency.
The row beneath the square field, also consists of ten LEDs, is switched forward after all 100
LEDs have passed. Thus, cycles of up to 1000 LEDs can be represented by the device.
*For an electrical wiring diagram of these connectors, please see the