3.2 Definition of the master module
Communication with the headend takes place based on the definition of a module as a master and the
others as slaves. By default, all the modules are slaves. The first step consists on converting one of the
modules in master. Control and access to the headend is done through the master module, which allows
us to configure the other modules.
Use IKUSI HEADEND DISCOVERY application to communicate with the modules without modifying
manually the network configuration of your pc. You can download the IKUSI HEADEND DISCOVERY
aplication from www.ikusi.tv web page.
NOTE: You must use IKUSI HEADEND DISCOVERY version 1.8.4 or higher.
Open IKUSI HEADEND DISCOVERY applicatiohn (the network card IPV6 protocol will be automatically
enabled or permission will be requested to do so).
The window will show the names of the connected modules along with the last six numbers of the MAC
address and the batch serial number. Select the module you want to convert in master and push on
Log in
The web browser of the PC will open automatically, showing the access page of the headend.
NOTE: HTL web interface uses https protocol. It is likely that your browser doesn’t recognize the security
certificate generated by the HTL. To continue configuring the module without problems, add the security
exception requested by your browser in a permanent way.
NOTE: To display the graphics provided in the system’s configuration programme, we recommend
installing the Mozilla Firefox 1.5 web browser or later (www.mozilla.com) on the control PC.