E-mail Service Setup for Each Channel
Click Camera 1 or Camera 2 item on Menu, below setup screen is displayed.
For each camera, the following Condition1-3, Post-Alarm Buffer Size and Speed, text message and
display style can be setup/Configured.
Select the Condition for Email service to be activated. Click here,
then 7-2-3.Condition setup screen is displayed.
Pre-Alarm Buffer Size The Buffer size assigned for Pre-Alarm.
Check Video buffer
Click this to link to 7-1.Advanced Services for buffer setup on page
Pre-Alarm Images
Set the (size) numbers of image frames to store before Alarm.
Post-Alarm Images
Set the (size) numbers of image frames to store after Alarm between
0 and 10.
Pre-Alarm Speed
This field shows the speed which is setup with 7-1.Advanced
re-Alarm Speed.
Post-Alarm Speed
Set the recording speed for Post alarm images between 0.1f/s to
10.0f/s, and Fastest.
Subject of the E-mail message to send.
Contents line 1 to line 4 in the E-mail message.
Value Format
Select the format for the Event or DI data to E-mail.
NONE:Don't Send INT:Decimal HEX:Hexadecimal
BIN:Binary IPA:IP Address EVT:Name of Event
After finished above setting, click Save button to apply setting data.
If click Back button, new setting data will be cancelled and the screen will be back to previous
screen display.