5-2.Network Ports
Click Network Ports, then below setup screen is displayed.
This setting is for HTTP port number which is used to connect Client PC and IP camera(Web
It can be assigned between 80 and 6553 and default value is 80.
After setup, click Apply button to save settings.
5-3.Bandwidth Control
Click Bandwidth, then below setup screen is displayed.
This setting is for maximum limit data size of transferring on network. If the data size is exceeded
this setting limit, part of data will be randomly lost. If multiple users try to access camera
streaming, the users streaming share this setup limited data size each other.
If the HTTP port number is changed than default 80, the connected URL should be attached new
Port number as below example
http:// [IP Address of camera] : [HTTP PORT NUMBER] /
Camera Address [] and new port number is [8080]
The URL should be
○In H.264.it is recommended to use CBR and frame rate control instead of Bandwidth control.
○This bandwidth control works fairly well in M-JPEG video transmission.
○This bandwidth control can manage and limit the exceeded limit data size of camera, it drops any
camera control data packet also, thus it may slow down to access IP camera.