P = system pressure; HY = hysteresis; FE = window
4.3 Analogue function
The analogue output can be configured�
• [OU2] defines whether the set measuring range is provided as 4���20 mA
([OU2] = [I]) or as 20���4 mA ([OU2] = [InEG])�
Scaling can be set by means of the teach process or by entering a value for the
parameters ASP and AEP�
• Teaching the analogue start point [tASP] or setting the parameter [ASP] defines
at which measured value the output signal is 4 mA (20 mA with [InEG])�
• Teaching the analogue end point [tAEP] or setting the parameter [AEP] defines
at which measured value the output signal is 20 mA (4 mA with [InEG])�