9.4.5 Set damping for the switching signal
Select [dAP] and set a value between 0�00 and 30�00 s (at 0�00 [dAP] is
not active)�
dAP value = response time between pressure change and change of the
switching status in seconds�
[dAP] influences the switching frequency: f
= 1 ÷ 2dAP�
[dAP] also has an effect on the display�
9.4.6 Set damping for the analogue signal
Select [dAA] and set a value between 0�01 and 99�99 s (at 0�00 [dAA] is
not active)�
dAA value = response time between pressure change and change of the
analogue signal in seconds�
9.4.7 Calibrate curve of measured values
Set a defined reference pressure between ASP and AEP in the system�
Select [CAL]�
Briefly press [Set]�
> [CP1] is displayed�
Press [Set] for 5 s�
> The pressure measured by the unit is displayed�
Press [Set] until the set reference pressure is indicated (measured
pressure = reference pressure) or the corresponding analogue signal is
provided on OUT2�
Maximum correction value = ± 2 % of the final value of the measuring
Briefly press [Mode/Enter]�
> [CP1] is displayed�
Briefly press [Mode/Enter]�
> [CP2] is displayed�
Continue with a) or b)�