7 Operating and display elements
Mode/Enter Set
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 to 8: Indicator LEDs
-LED 1 to LED 5 = system pressure in the specified unit of measurement�
-LED 6 = system pressure in % of the set scaling of the analogue output (range ASP to
AEP) if [OU2] is configured as analogue output�
System pressure in % of the final value of the measuring range if [OU2] is configured as
switching output�
-LED 7 = switching status OUT2 (on if output 2 is switched)�
-LED 8 = switching status OUT1 (on if output 1 is switched)�
9: Alphanumeric display, 4 digits
-Display of the current system pressure�
-Display of the parameters and parameter values�
10: Set button
-Setting of the parameter values (scrolling by holding pressed, incrementally by pressing
11: Mode/Enter button
-Selection of the parameters and acknowledgement of the parameter values�