• Lock / unlock
The unit can be locked electronically to prevent unintentional settings�
Make sure that the unit is in the
normal operating mode�
Press [Mode/Enter] + [Set] for 10 s�
> [Loc] is displayed�
During operation: [Loc] is briefly displayed if you try to change parameter values�
For unlocking:
Press [Mode/Enter] + [Set] for 10 s�
> [uLoc] is displayed�
On delivery: not locked�
• Timeout:
If no button is pressed for 15 s during parameter setting, the unit returns to the
operating mode with unchanged values�
9.2 Configure display (optional)
Select [Uni] and set the unit of measurement:
-[bAr], [mbAr]
-[MPA], [kPA]
-[InHO] (only PI2xx6, PI2xx7, PI2xx9)
-[mWS] (only PI2xx6, PI2xx7, PI2xx9)
Select [SELd] and set type of display:
-[P]: system pressure in the unit set in Uni�
-[P%]: system pressure in % of the set scaling of the analogue output;
the following applies: 0 % = ASP value / 100 % = AEP value�
If OU2 is configured as switching output, [ASP] and [AEP] are not
active� In this case the following applies: 0 % = initial value of the
measuring range / 100 % = final value of the measuring range�
If [SELd] = [P%] please note the following: "0" does not mean that no
pressure is applied to the system!