When the hysteresis function is set, the set point (SPx) is defined first and
then the reset point (rPx) which must be of a lower value� If only the set
point is changed, the reset point remains constant�
When set to the window function the upper limit value (FHx) and the lower
limit value (FLx) have a fixed hysteresis of 0�25 % of the final value of the
measuring range� This keeps the switching state of the output stable if the
temperature varies slightly�
4.2 Analogue function
• The unit converts the measured signal into a temperature-proportional ana-
logue signal� Depending on the parameter setting the output signal is at:
4���20 mA [ou2] = I
20���4 mA [ou2] = I
0���10 V
[ou2] = U
10���0 V
[ou2] = U
• The analogue signal can be scaled, that means the limits of the measuring
range for the lower output signal (ASP2 = analogue start point) and the upper
output signal (AEP2 = analogue end point) can be set�
Minimum distance between [ASP2] and [AEP2] = 5 K�