2. Locate the four 4.4 mm (0.173 inch) mounting holesby holding the ViVOpay Kiosk II
Controller in position andmark the holes. The following diagramshows the spacing
on the holes to be drilled for mounting the ViVOpay Kiosk II Controller.
3. Drill the four 4.4 mm (0.173 inch) mounting holes using a number 17 drill bit.
4. Use fourscrews and nuts to mount theViVOpay Kiosk II Controller to the kiosk
surface. (Mounting screws are not provided and must be supplied bythe installer.)
5. Tighten the nuts to hold the ViVOpay Kiosk II Controller in positionso that it does not
Mounting the ViVOpayKiosk II Controller Using Mounting Tape
1. Position theViVOpay Kiosk II Controller on the interior of the kiosk making sure that
there issufficient room for the antenna mountingsurface to be fully opened.
2. Attach double-sided tape tothe mountingsurface.
3. Position theViVOpay Kiosk II Controller over the mounting tape and gently apply
pressure to hold the controller in position.
1. Attach the SMB end of the cable (220-2457-00) from the antenna to the ViVOpay
Kiosk II Controller.