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to amend specifications without notice or obligation.
The UFPM Mk20 and UFPM Mk21 pumps are identical except that in the UFPM Mk20
the impeller and casings are in aluminium alloy, while in the UFPM Mk21 these parts are
in gunmetal.
This is a single-stage centrifugal pump. The impeller is mounted on a stainless-steel shaft,
which runs on two heavy-duty ball bearings continuously lubricated in an oil bath.
Shaft sealing is by a carbon face seal, which being spring-loaded, is self-adjusting and
therefore requires no attention. The pump discharge flange can be in any of the four
positions shown in the drawing.
Priming is affected by a water-ring primer which is completely automatic in action. The
bearings in the primer are pre-packed with grease and require no attention.
For simplicity of installation, the pump has a single, four-bolt mounting face.
Tapped bosses are provided for all normal auxiliary connections.
The only regular maintenance required is to check the level of oil in the oil bath at six-
monthly intervals. There are no grease nipples.