©Godiva Ltd. Our policy is one of continuous development. We therefore reserve the right
to amend specifications without notice or obligation.
Maintenance Attention
With the impeller removed, (see Chapter 5), access is gained to the carbon seal seating
ring, its spring, the carbon seal and the wearing ring.
In the event of excessive leakage past the carbon seal or from the drain hole in the pump
head, first examine the two O-rings (one under the carbon seal, and one in the carbon
seal seating ring). Renew if necessary.
To remove the O-rings, pull the shaft sleeve off the shaft complete with carbon seal
seating ring.
The seating ring can be removed from the shaft sleeve by removing the round wire circlip
which retains it. The O-ring can then be seen inside the seating ring.
The carbon seal can now be removed from the housing and will reveal the other O-ring.
Examine the carbon seal. If the end face which bears on the seating ring is scored, a new
carbon seal must be fitted. In this case it is advisable to also renew the seating ring. The
original seating ring can be re-used if the sealing face is lapped flat.
Re-assembly is straight forward, the round wire circlip to retain the seating ring on the
shaft sleeve.
To install the seal
do not
use grease,
a water-based lubricant. Clean the faces with
a solvent and wet faces with clean water before assembly.