©Godiva Ltd. Our policy is one of continuous development. We therefore reserve the right
to amend specifications without notice or obligation.
On refitting the primer, it is advisable to rotate the fulcrum shaft from its original position
so that the grubscrews bear on a new part of the shaft. Before tightening the grubscrews,
ensure that both sides of the primer fibre wheel bear on the sides of the groove in the
pump pulley. Ensure that the fibre wheel is correctly lined with the drive pully.
Maintenance Attention
To dismantle the primer, remove the nuts and washers from the studs in the primer body.
Remove the bearing housing complete with shaft, bearings, impeller and pulley. Examine
the inner diameter of the impeller, and the corresponding surface of the suction and
delivery cover for excessive scoring, renewing these parts if necessary.
To fit a new suction and delivery cover, remove the self-locking screws which secure the
cover plate to the suction and delivery cover. Fit this cover plate to the new part, noting
that no gasket is used, but a jointing compound should be used on the contacting faces.
To fit a new impeller, undo the impeller retaining screw and pull off the impeller. (note - if
the impeller binds on the shaft it will be necessary to remove the primer shaft as described
To remove the primer shaft, take off the impeller as detailed above. If the impeller binds
on the shaft, then remove the impeller retaining screw. At the other end of the shaft, knock
back the tab— washer and remove the nut securing the pulley to the shaft. Remove the
pulley and extract the woodruff key and the circlip. Tap out the shaft from the impeller
end. The shaft will bring the bearing with it and these can now be replaced if necessary.
The shaft seal will remain in position and If this requires renewing it should be drifted out,
together with its backing washer, towards the impeller end.
When fitting a new seal ensure that the lip on the backing washer and the open end of
the seal face is towards the impeller.
To fit a new friction drive pulley, remove the pulley from the shaft as detailed above, undo
the four nuts, bolts, and washers securing the pulley to the centre piece. Fit the new
To examine the non-return valve, remove the three nuts and washers securing the primer
elbow to the primer body. If the non-return valve O-ring is faulty, a new one must be fitted.