Safety Relay Modules for IoT
The basis of a functional safety system is to use diagnosis to detect failures.
Redundant control systems, for example, maintain safety by detecting the occurrence of a single failure, and at the same time give user the
opportunity to replace parts. This concept, which was introduced through international standards in 1999, has adopted throughout the world
the idea of safety by control based on safety relay modules.
With the recent progress of IT technology, IoT is being promoted at factories around the world for the purpose of optimizing productivity.
The optimal allocation of resources and predictive maintenance are important in such factories. However, predictive maintenance for safety
systems that directly influence machine operation is especially important, and is indispensable for achieving both productivity and safety.
The HR6S safety relay module has advanced diagnostic functions, and can output the results. The diagnostic function, which is backed by
international standards, monitors the safety relay module and the devices that are connected to it, and contributes to predictive maintenance
for the safety system.