A note on setting triggers:
There are 6 programmable sag triggers and 3 programmable swell triggers avail-
able. In many cases that much resolution is not required. Setting triggers to the
same value 'hides' the triggers not needed. For example, to capture swells over
120% of nominal voltage and longer than 2 cycles, all 3 swell triggers would be
set the same:
(A [125%, 3 cycle] voltage event would be recorded as a SWL1.)
2 Cycles
2 Cycles
2 Cycles
Voltage Event Unit Display
Magnitude Duration
65 Cycles
3 Cycles
If 2 triggers are desired, set the 2nd and 3rd triggers to the same value:
Setting The Time
The time must be set before the first use.
From the Review Screen DOWN ARROW to SETUP and press ENTER to display the
Set Nominal/Standard. RIGHT ARROW to display the Set Time/Date screen.
Press ENTER while Set Time is highlighted to change the time. UP and DOWN
ARROWS change the hour. Press RIGHT ARROW to activate the minute and second
cells. When all three changes are complete, press ENTER to activate the change
and return to the Set Time/Date menu or press LEFT ARROW to return to the Set
Time/Date menu without making changes.
Standard Detail
In addition to the table of standards in the user's manual, monitoring standard trig-
gers can also be reviewed in the SETUP menu. Press the RIGHT ARROW when a
monitoring standard is highlighted in the Set Standard menu.
Press the RIGHT ARROW to scroll through all 9 event triggers (6 sag, 3 swell).
Scroll forward or backwards through the monitoring triggers to return to the Set
Nominal/Standard screen. When 9 triggers are not defined for a specific monitoring
standard, multiple triggers will have the same threshold setting. (See note on next
Custom Standard
To set customized triggers use the Custom monitoring option. In the Set Standard
menu, select Custom. Press ENTER to display trigger detail.
Highlight a trigger threshold and press ENTER. Magnitude thresholds are
expressed as a percentage of nominal voltage. Duration thresholds are expressed in
cycles. Use UP or DOWN ARROW to change the threshold values for the active
trigger. Press ENTER to change the threshold or LEFT ARROW to escape the trigger
detail without changing the setting. The range for Sags can be set for 15 - 100% of
nominal, the range for swells can be set for 100-130% of the nominal voltage.
Duration settings range from 1 to 9999 cycles.
ND 5790-3 61-830 Instructions 10/24/07 4:13 PM Page 13