Menu Navigation:
With the voltage event category highlighted, press ENTER to bring up a chronologi-
cal log of voltage events in that category:
In the example above, the SAG events that occurred are listed and sorted chrono-
logically. Up and down arrows highlight each event. The screen will refresh with the
next four events when the down arrow is used to scroll past the oldest record. The
display loops back to the most current event when the last record is passed. Left
arrow returns to the review screen. To easily return to the most current record, use
the left arrow to exit log and press the enter key to go back into the log. Press the
RIGHT ARROW key while an event is highlighted to display the Event Detail screen.
The event detail screen varies based on the type of event.
Sag/Swell Detail:
For sags and swells, the event detail screen shows magnitude and duration of the
trigger above the magnitude and duration of the event. Duration is displayed cycles.
The left arrow returns to the Event Log screen
Impulse Detail:
Events over 450V will log as an impulse event. The peak voltage of the event is dis-
played in kV, the duration is displayed in microseconds. Impulses as fast as 6
microseconds will be captured.
Impulses are short duration voltage spikes of an extreme magnitude. The VPM cap-
tures impulses automatically based on the peak value of the sine wave. Short dura-
tion events over 450V peak will generally log as impulses. The unit records the
extreme magnitude of the impulse whether in the positive or negative direction and
displays the absolute peak value.
Impulse Event
On-screen display
Any impulse
Run Events
A RUN event is recorded when the unit detects AC power. This event occurs when
the unit is plugged in or when power resumes after an outage. Run event are dis-
played in the LOG menu only.
On-screen display
Start time
Loss Events
A LOSS is recorded when the voltage drops below the operating range of the unit
(15V). A loss is recorded in both the SAG menu and the LOG menu. To determine
the duration of a loss event, compare the time of the loss to the time of the corre-
sponding RUN in the LOG menu. Both short term and long-term interruptions will
show up as a LOSS if voltage drops below 15V.
On-screen display
Voltage Loss
Monitoring Standards:
15 monitoring standards have been pre-loaded into the VPM. These settings are
based on existing international voltage standards and are named for the standard
duplicated. For example, the default ITIC threshold settings are based on the ITIC
standard. Magnitude and duration thresholds may vary from the actual standard do
to the technical capabilities of the hardware or a revision in the standard. The CUS-
TOM option is included for those instances when a specific monitoring standard is
not appropriate, or has been revised. Refer to specifications for the triggers used to
duplicate each of the standards. Appropriate trigger settings vary by country, indus-
try and application. The ITIC setting captures most events that would have the
potential of effecting equipment on 120V single-phase circuits. Use the CUSTOM
option to match triggers to manufacturers' specification when appropriate. Triggers
consists of a magnitude and duration threshold. Magnitude is expressed as a per-
centage of nominal voltage. Duration is expressed in cycles. At 60Hz, 1 cycle =
16.7 milliseconds, at 50Hz, 1 cycle = 20 milliseconds.
ND 5790-3 61-830 Instructions 10/24/07 4:12 PM Page 9