High-speed Multifunction Boards
User Manual, Ver. 1.0, May 2015, PMH-029-10 Page 15
Analog Input Range
Input Range refers to the set of input voltages that an Analog Input channel can digitize with the
specified accuracy. The PGA amplifies or attenuates the AI signal depending on the input range. User
can individually program the input range of all channels on PCIe-862x Series board.
Input rage affects the resolution of the PCIe-862x Series for an AI channel Resolution refer to the
voltage of one ADC code. 16-bit ADC converts Analog Inputs into one of 65,536 (=216) codes – that
is, one of 65,536 possible digital values. These values are spread fairly evenly across the input range.
For an input range of -10 V to 10 V,
the voltage of each code of a 16-bit ADC is 10 V - (-10 V) / 65536 = 305 μV
For an input range of -5 V to 5 V,
the voltage of each code of a 16-bit ADC is 5 V - (-5 V) / 65536 = 152 μV
Module Name
Input Range
Nominal Resolution
-10 V to 10 V
305 μV
-5 V to 5 V
152 μV