I-7088 and M-7088 User Manual, Rev: A1.2 7MH-026-A12
4.2. PWM Operation Principle
1. The PWM output modules will be turned OFF after being powered
on for the first time.
2. If the Host Watchdog is active, the PWM output modules will stop
automatically and cannot be re-started. The module status will
then be set to 04 meaning that. If the host computer then sends n
“@AADO” command to those modules, the command will be
ignored and an invalid command delimiter character “?” will be
sent in response as warning information. An “~AA1” command
can be sent by the host to clear the module status to 0 and then
the module will accept “@AADO” commands again.
3. The PWM configuration will be loaded from EEPROM after being
powered on for the first time.
4. After modifying the PWM configuration, use the “$AAW” command
to save all PWM configurations in the EEPROM so that they will
be loaded when the module is next powered on.
5. The limit of the frequency and the duty cycle is:
(1) If the frequency is set to 1 ~ 1000Hz, the duty cycle can be set
to 00.1% ~ 99.9%.
(2) If the frequency is set to 1001 ~ 10000Hz, the duty cycle can
be set to 1% ~ 99%.
(3) Otherwise, the frequency and the duty cycle is not complete.
Duty Cycle = (100 * X ) / Y %
Frequency = 1 / Y Hz
The Lowest unit of X = 1us
The Lowest unit of Y = 2us