Receiving FSK (RTTY) signal (Continued)
About the FSK DECODE SET screen
You can change the settings related to FSK signal
1. Touch [DECODE] on the MENU screen.
2. Touch [EXPD/SET] for 1 second.
3. Rotate
and touch the desired item.
(Example: FFT Scope Averaging)
4. Rotate
and touch the desired option.
(Example: 2)
5. To close the
screen, push
several times.
FFT Scope Averaging
(Default: OFF)
Set the FFT scope waveform averaging function
(noise reduction by averaging the waveform) to
between 2 and 4 or to OFF.
Set the default or smaller number for tuning on FFT scope
FFT Scope Waveform Color
(Default: R: 51, G: 153, B: 255)
Set the color of the FFT scope waveform.
Touch and select the R (Red), G (Green) or B (Blue)
scale, and then rotate
to adjust the ratio to
between 0 and 255.
The color is displayed in the box above the RGB scale.
Decode USOS
(Default: ON)
Turn the Letter Code Decoding function ON or OFF.
ON: Decodes as a letter code after receiving a “space.”
OFF: Decodes as a character code.
USOS stands for UnShift On Space function.
Decode New Line Code (Default: CR, LF, CR+LF)
Select the FSK decoder new line code.
CR,LF,CR+LF: Makes a new line with any codes.
CR+LF: Makes a new line with only CR+LF code.
CR stands for Carriage Return, and LF stands for Line Feed.
Time Stamp (Time)
(Default: Local)
Select the local time or UTC time to store on the FSK
receive log.
Local: In local time
UTC: In UTC time
Time Stamp (Frequency)
(Default: ON)
Select whether or not to store the frequency data on
the FSK receive log.
OFF: Does not store
ON: Stores the frequency data
Font Color (Receive) (Default: R: 128, G: 255, B: 128)
Set the text font color for received characters.
Touch and select the R (Red), G (Green) or B (Blue)
scale, and then rotate
to adjust the ratio to
between 0 and 255.
The color is displayed in the box above the RGB scale.
Font Color (Time Stamp)
(Default: R: 0, G: 155, B: 189)
Set the text font color for Time Stamp characters.
Touch and select the R (Red), G (Green) or B (Blue)
scale, and then rotate
to adjust the ratio to
between 0 and 255.
The color is displayed in the box above the RGB scale.
TIP: How to reset to the default setting
Touching the item or its option for 1 second displays the
Quick menu, and then touch “Default” to reset to the
default setting.