Instruction Manual C100
Error description
Error correction
Err. 3
The function of the foot switch connector
( trigger input ) is already reserved for the
function Start / Stop dynamic measurements
and manual gauge selection.
Additional control of display functions (
) by the foot switch is not allowed.
Enter Programming mode by pressing
key. Move to the Setup menu
"Display Control by Trigger"
and select "oFF"
Err. 7
All gauges are switched off.
Introduce a gauge ( refer to chapter 3 )
Err. 8
Auto-recognition measuring mode is enab-led
( Auto mode = on ). A probe or an analogue
input ( A ... D ) has been assigned to more
than one gauges.
Because this input simultaneously changes
the measurement value of more than one
gauge, automatic recognition of an active
gauge ( only one ) is no longer possible.
There are two possibilities of error correction :
1. Press
to enter Programming
mode, set automatic gauge selection to off
"SEt OP."
Gauge selection is then performed manually.
2. Press
key to enter Programming
mode, move to
"Probe mixing"
assign each input ( A,…,D ) only to one
Err. 10
During Automatic gauge calibration the same
master was applied twice.
Recalibrate with 2 different masters.
Err. 11
The two programmed Master values are the
same or the difference between the 2
programmed masters is too small ( difference
< 6 Digits ).
On small master differences use gauge in
High Resolution mode.
key to enter Programming
mode. Choose menu
"Set Master value(s)"
introduce 2 masters with a difference >6 digits.
input 2 master values
Err. 12
The difference between the 2 programmed
masters is too big ( difference > 3.0 mm )
key to enter Programming
mode. Choose menu
"Set Master value(s)"
introduce 2 masters with a difference <3 mm.
input 2 master values
Err. 13
Error during Gauge calibration.
The calibration factor is too low.
The difference between the programmed master
values is much bigger than the difference
between the measured master values. Maybe
you have used the same master twice.
Recalibrate and check the programmed masters
values. Press
key to enter the Pro-
gramming mode and check in the menu
Master value(s)"
the values.
Err. 14
Error during Gauge calibration.
The calibration factor is too high.
The difference between the programmed masters
is much smaller than the difference between the
measured master values.
Recalibrate and check the programmed masters
values. Press
key to enter the Pro-
gramming mode and check in the menu
Master value(s)"
the values.
2. System Errors
In case of hardware problems system errors are indicated on the numeric display by
( n =
1...4 ). Error messages are intended to help our service department quickly analyse the reasons for
your difficulties. Please, press
- to restart the column gauge or switch the column gauges off
and on.
If the error message reappears, contact the
IBR-Service department