Chapter 20. FC configuration 2 -BladeServer Microsoft Cluster
Draft Document for Review August 30, 2007 12:59 am
5. Create a domain account that can be used later on the cluster nodes to run the cluster
service. There are no special requirements for this account - all necessary rights will be
granted to this account when the cluster service is setup on the first node.
6. Modify your SAN zoning if required, so that both hosts are able to connect to the DS3400.
20.3.2 Edit Storage Subsystem Configuration for Clustering
Now we have to do some preparations on the storage subsystem. Previously we configured it
so that only one host can access the logical drives, but in a clustered configuration, at least
two hosts will access the same logical drive. These requires the following steps:
1. Create the second host
8.2.2, “Configure Host Access (Manual)” on page 145
Create a new host (Yom in our configuration), add its WWNs and select the host type
“W2k3 Clustered”.
2. Create a host group
8.2.3, “Configure Host Group” on page 153
Create a host group and add the two hosts which will join the cluster to this group.
3. Edit the host type of the first host created in 20.1.2, “Create logical drives and host
mapping” on page 468
10.2.1, “Edit Topology” on page 215
In our sample configuration, we initially defined the first host with type “not clustered”.
Change this to “clustered”.
4. Create a cluster quorum drive
8.3.3, “Create Logical Drives” on page 161
Create a Raid 1 Cluster Quorum logical drive
Map logical drives
10.4.1, “Changing the storage partitioning configuration” on page 241
Map the Quorum drive and the previous generated RAID5 logical drive to the host group
The sections above show how to perform these steps in the Storage Manager GUI.
Example 20-2 shows a script to do the same steps.
Example 20-2 Change Storage Configuration
show "Create a host group";
create hostGroup userLabel="Thailand_Cluster";
show "Create a host named Yom";
create host userLabel="Yom";
show "Add host ports to host";
create hostPort identifier="10000000c93542c2" userLabel="Yom_Port_0" host="Yom"
hostType="Windows 2000/Server 2003 Clustered";
create hostPort identifier="10000000c93542c3" userLabel="Yom_Port_1" host="Yom"
hostType="Windows 2000/Server 2003 Clustered";
show allHostPorts;
show "Change PaSak host ports to clustered host type";
Note: The second node will be able to see the same logical drives as the first node,
although the cluster service is not installed yet. Do not initialize the logical drives on the
second node!