INS0228 July 2020
W EEE D i r e ct i v e Co m p l i a n ce
The lum inom et er should be disposed of in accordance wit h
t he European Union WEEE Direct ive 2012/ 19/ EU, on Wast e
Elect rical and Electronic Equipm ent .
W A RN I N G: Do not dispose of t his product int o unsort ed
m unicipal wast e or a public landfill. Please cont act your
local dist ribut or for det ails of how to correct ly dispose of
t his product .
Re g u l a t o r y Li m i t a t i o n s o f Use
The lum inom et er has been designed t o m eet t he following general,
safet y and EMC requirem ent s:
Low Volt age Direct ive 2014/ 35/ EU
EMC Direct ive 2014/ 30/ EU
RoHS Direct ive 2015/ 863
Safet y
I EC 61010- 1 3rd edit ion
EN 61326- 1: 2013, I EC 61326- 1: 2012
EN 55011: 2009/ A1: 2010, FCC 15 SubPart B
CI SPR 11: 2009/ A1: 2010, I CES- 003 I ssue 6
I m m unit y
EN 61326- 1: 2013, I EC 61326- 1: 2012
EN 61000- 4- 2: 2009, I EC 61000- 4- 2: 2008
EN 61000- 4- 3: 2006: + A1: 2008 + A2: 2010 ,
I EC 61000- 4-3: 2006 + A1: 2007 + A2: 2010
EN 61000- 4- 8: 2010, I EC 61000- 4- 8: 2009
The lum inom et er is m anufactured under I SO 9001 cont rols.