Start-Up Procedure
To prevent microbiological growth and freezing, this reverse osmosis system contains a preservative
solution which, if ingested, may cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, colic, diarrhea or other similar symptoms.
Therefore, 5 gallons (approximately two full tanks) must be drawn from the spigot to flush out the preservative. This
may represent two or three days of running, depending on conditions of the feed water.
The carbon filters require some rinsing to remove carbon fines. The filters will rinse out on their own by allowing the system
to produce 2 full tanks of water and discarding the RO product water. The following procedure may be followed if it is
desired to rinse the filters immediately before producing an RO product water.
a. Disconnect the line from the auto shut off valve that runs from the outlet side of the Pre-Carbon Filter to the Auto Shut
Off Valve. Direct tubing into a pail or catch basin.
b. Turn on the feed water by opening the needle valve on the feed water saddle valve and catch the water in the pail. The
water rinsing the filter will appear grayish until the fines are rinsed out. When the water returns to clear, close the inlet
water valve. Re-connect the white tubing back into the Auto Shut Off Valve. The filters are now rinsed.
c. Turn on feedwater by opening the inlet water valve. Immediately check for any signs of a leak. Correct any problems
if necessary. Turn on storage tank valve.
d. It will not be uncommon to experience air bubbles or dissolved air in the product water. This will disappear after the
unit is in service for a short period of time.
e. The first two full tanks must be discarded to flush the membrane preservative out of the system as well as flush the
carbon fines from the Post Carbon Filter.
Figure 9 - Disconnect pre-carbon outlet tube
from shutoff valve
Figure 10 - Direct flushed water and carbon
fines into container