HYDAC Filtertechnik GmbH
Page 33
en Vorwort.doc
... And now for a few tips on using this documentation.
The following example shows you how you can access the information you are looking
for quick and easy.
do I want to know?
can I find the information I’m looking for?
The documentation is subdivided into chapters and sections.
1. Look for the table of contents.
2. Skim the boldfaced section headings.
can I find the section and page I’m looking for?
Page through the operating instructions, keeping your eyes focussed on the lower right
As soon as you see the page number you are looking for, stop paging.
The chapter heading is featured in the upper right corner of each page.
The documentation number/edition and index are featured in the lower left corner of
each page and on the cover sheet of the instructions.
This information features the following format:
The documentation no. is a part no. which is used to order the instructions.
The edition no. is a consecutive number reflecting product modifications.
The index is increased every time the instructions are revised or changed.
Please note that the method described above of locating specific
information does not release you from carefully reading the entire
manual prior to starting the unit up for the first time and carefully
rereading the manual at regular intervals later on.
Chapter heading
Page no.
Edition date of
Documentation no.
Edition no.
BeWa Product