Condition Monitoring Unit CMU 1000
Page 74
V03 R21 - 2020/07/09
You can transfer the currently opened CM program to the CMU 1000 with
Transfer into device
Only error-free programs can be transferred into the CMU 1000.
The following message appears after the program has been successfully
Here you can select whether you also wish to transfer the source code of the
program into the CMU 1000.
If you transfer the source code into the CMU 1000 as well, then it is possible
for it to be read out again from every other connected PC and modified! If the
source code is not transferred as well into the CMU 1000, then the program
cannot be read out from another PC.
The following message will appear if the CM program is not error-free:
Eliminate the error(s) found in the CM program (see in this connection
Chap. 6.2.2., "Function List" Window and Chap. 8, "Error messages") and
transfer the program again.
If you transfer a program and a power failure occurs during the transfer, then
the program will not be saved in the CMU 1000 after power is restored. For
that reason, first save your program on the PC on which it was originally
generated or modified before making the transfer.