Version August 2010
HWT 160–M User’s Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
outcome and will in all cases dispense the manufacturer from
assuming any liability or responsibility for the product.
Segmented-bend joints are acceptable only with a 15 degree
angle (positioning bolts of each clamp properly placed at the
opposite ends of its slots). If other positions of the bolts in the
slots are used, to experiment with other angles between the
components, this will dispense the manufacturer from assum-
ing any responsibility for the proper welding outcome and any
liability in case of bodily injury or material damage.
As a preparation to the welding process and prior to it, the applicable
welding forces F have to be computed (see Sect. 5.4 ff. below).
5.2 Facing Component Butts
Place the facing tool between the component butts, position its front
support around the shaft, and start it. Then use the hand wheel to move
the movable carriage of the machine in on the fixed carriage, in order
for the facing tool to work both component butts.
Facing is properly completed when a continuous blade of material is cut
from both component butts.
Do not put your hand into the operating area of the facing tool
while facing is in progress and remove shavings only after the
facing tool stops.
5.3 Checking Component Alignment
After facing, verify once again that the alignment of the components is
correct and that any gap is within tolerance. Re-clamp them if needed.
5.4 Bead Build-up Stage
Insert the hot heating element between the two components to be joined
and close both of them in on it using the hand wheel.
During the bead build-up, the force F
has to be applied. This force is
dependent upon the diameter (D) and the wall thickness (S) of the com-
ponent to be welded, and is computed according to the formula given for
the force F
on the tag next to the hand wheel (see photograph below).
Continue turning the hand wheel until the force indicator on the right-
hand side of the machine indicates the force level previously computed
for F
. Then engage the locking bar next to the hand wheel to lock the
movable carriage of the machine in this position.
The bead build-up stage is completed when the weld bead that is forming
reaches the height, which depends upon the wall thickness (S), indicated
below F
on the tag next to the hand wheel (see photograph below).
5.5 Heating Stage
At the end of the bead build-up stage, the
force must be reduced to F
, as previously
computed according to the formula on the tag
next to the (see photograph below). To do this,
unlock the locking bar next to the hand wheel,
turn the wheel in the opposite direction, and
re-engage the locking bar to block the carriage
in this position.