Performance Verification
FM800Encore Service Manual
5. Press NIBP
START MEASUREMENT button on the unit under test.
6. The BP test should start soon after.
7. The unit should display systolic/diastolic readings similar to the analyser setting
8. Repeat the test for 120/80 and 200/140.
: If problems are seen with the NIBP measurements, then 5 readings may be
taken and the average systolic/diastolic results calculated. The unit is a
PASS if all the readings taken are within 5 of the average values.
1. Connect the ultrasound transducer to the unit under test, ULT1.
2. Input a signal by placing the transducer in the palm of the hand and stroke the
back of the hand approximately twice per second (see figure below).
3. The display should indicate a rate of around 120 BPM after a few seconds.
Continue this for one minute and check for a corresponding line on the fetal
heart rate trace.
4. Repeat the above test for UL2 socket.
1. Place the TOCO transducer on a solid surface with the rubber surface
uppermost and level.
2. Press the zero button on the front panel.
3. Depress the TOCO rubber surface gently and release, repeat this several
times. Check that the TOCO display registers the change and returns to zero
(10%) after a short delay.
4. With the rubber surface still uppermost and level, reset the zero then place a
100g weight in the centre of the boot.
5. The shape of this weight is important and the contact area on the rubber boot
should be 12mm diameter maximum. The TOCO display should indicate 80%