Using the Web UI
3500988-0001 Revision A
Manage Contexts
Manage Contexts
page under the
icon allows
the user to setup and configure PDP contexts (data connections)
for any TE that is connected to the UT. It also shows you all
current Active Connections.
Open a New Connection
- To open a new connection,
select the row and enter the required data:
– Your current IP address is shown by default (.101), but
you can change it to control connections for any other device
connected to the terminal. The page automatically displays
entries for all
devices and these entries can be selected
to activate connections for those devices.
- Select the service that you want by clicking on the
down arrow. The drop down list shows all of the different QoS
types: Standard, Streaming 32K, Streaming 64K, Streaming
128K, X-Stream, ½ HDR and Full HDR. Select the appropriate
service required.
the two HDR options are asymmetric; they have a high
speed uplink, but the downlink is limited to 64kbps.
- The APN is read from the SIM card, but if you have other
APNs defined (go to the
Manage APNs
page), you can use the
down arrow to select a different APN.