Roaming lets you access the Internet while traveling domestically and internationally. For
example, if you travel to a Wi-Fi hostpot in London, you could access the Internet with a wireless
connection through one of the roaming partner networks. The Connection Manager allows you to
roam on any Wi-Fi network partner for an additional charge. However, domestic EDGE or non-3G
roaming outside the T-Mobile network is restricted. T-Mobile cannot guarantee the same speeds
or performance offered while roaming on other networks. You can still use GSM/GPRS or EDGE
if those connections are available to you in a T-Mobile service area, free of charge, but we
strongly recommend you leverage the fastest available connection such as 3G or Wi-Fi.
NOTE: The Terms and Conditions of the roaming location’s network, including its security and privacy
policies, will apply instead of T-Mobile’s during a roaming session. Additional charges may apply.
Who can roam
Wi-Fi roaming requires that you have:
webConnect data plan
A properly installed Wi-Fi 802.11b/g wireless network card
You can use the Connection Manager to connect to a T-Mobile HotSpot roaming partner by
logging in with your assigned username and password. For a list of T-Mobile HotSpot roaming
partners, use the HotSpot Locator.