Figure 8-33 Removing the fire cylinder
Step 3 Check the fire cylinder and all components for any damage, abrasion, or corrosion.
If there is any visible abrasion or corrosion, replace the damaged components and
all corroded components.
Step 4 Send the fire cylinder to the gas station to fill extinguishant. Heptafluoropropane
is recommended. The required amount is 3 kg.
● In the process of assembling and filling, ensure that the valve, container, and
other parts are clean and not polluted.
● The internal impurities of the fire cylinder have been cleaned and the container
valve has been sealed. Do not remove the container valve and its components.
For other operations, see the related filling specifications.
1. Connect the extinguishant filling port of the container valve to the
extinguishant filling device. The thread specification of the extinguishant
filling port is M10x1.
2. Remove the valve positioning kit, open the valve, and fill 3 kg extinguishant.
Close the valve after filling the extinguishant.
3. Connect the filling port of the container valve to the nitrogen filling device,
open the valve, and fill nitrogen until the filling pressure reaches the specified
value. After filling nitrogen, close the valve.
4. Shake the cylinder for 10 times and then fill nitrogen until the pressure
reaches the specified value. Repeat this step for two to three times until the
pressure does not change. Then install the valve positioning kit. After 12
hours, observe the pressure again. If the pressure does not reach the value
FusionDC1000A Prefabricated All-in-One Data
Installation Guide (IT Scenario)
8 Installing Devices Inside the Pre-fab. Module
Issue 01 (2021-04-20)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.