IP address and port number of the server-side host.
Type of the monitored service and monitoring port number
RTD threshold and OWD threshold
IP address of the NMS
Step 1
Configure reachable routes between Switch A and Switch B, between Switch A and Switch C,
and between Switch B and Switch C. The configuration details are not mentioned here.
Step 2
Configure a Jitter test.
# Configure the IP address and UDP port number monitored by the NQA server on Switch C.
nqa-server udpecho 9000
# # Enable the NQA client on Switch A and create an NQA Jitter test on it.
nqa test-instance admin jitter
test-type jitter
destination-address ipv4
destination-port 9000
Step 3
Configure the NQA thresholds.
# Configure the RTD threshold on Switch A.
threshold rtd 20
Step 4
Enable the function of sending trap messages.
send-trap rtd
Step 5
Configure the function of sending trap messages to the NMS.
snmp-agent trap enable
snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params
securityname public v2c
Step 6
Perform the test.
nqa test-instance admin jitter
start now
Step 7
Verify the configuration.
# Verify the NQA test result of each Switch.
display nqa results
NQA entry(test, jitter) :testflag is inactive ,testtype is jitter
1 . Test 1 result The test is finished
Send operation times:3000 Receive response times:3000
Completion :success RTD RTD OverThresholds number:25
Min/Max/Avg/Sum RTT:1/26/1/3143 RTT Square Sum:5665
NumOfRTT:3000 Drop operation number:0
Operation sequence errors number:0 RTT Stats errors number:0
System busy operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:0
Max Positive SD:27 Max Positive DS:0
Positive SD Number:1890 Positive DS Number:0
Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Network Management
6 NQA Configuration
Issue 01 (2011-07-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.