HRW HPE-BNMBUS V401 Manual 180307 E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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With Diag display already active, now when you press Enter to force a network scan you will see the
communication gateway requests and device response, including the gateway’s recognition of required
data point values.
Via the HyperTerminal menus Transfer / Capture text option you can save this communication data for
later analysis; create a capture file, press Enter to force a scan, then stop the capture. Open the
resultant text file with Word to view a formatted record of the communication for analysis:
4 =1040004016 R1 E5
Prepare meter with Primary address 0
Request Data
4 =107B007B16 R3 DA DA CRC OK
Looking for DVIF = 04 06
kWh with VIF included (1kWh resolution)
68 4B 4B 68 08 00 72 50 15 28 08 EE 4D 0D 04 7A 00 00 00
02 DIF FD 17 VIF Data2 00 00
34 DIF 75 VIF Data4 CC C5 01 00
04= DIF 6D VIF Data4 3B 14 65 12
Correct DIF, incorrect VIF
04= DIF 06= VIF 02 ReadData4 X0 02 00 00 00
OK! Read value ‘2 (X0 = no eXtension points)
Looking for DVIF = 04
Next with DIF 04, the volume
68 4B 4B 68 08 00 72 50 15 28 08 EE 4D 0D 04 7A 00 00 00
04= DIF 13 VIF FE ReadData4 X0 FE 00 00 00
OK! FE (HEX) = 254
Looking for DVIF = 05
Next with DIF 05, High temperature
68 4B 4B 68 08 00 72 50 15 28 08 EE 4D 0D 04 7A 00 00 00
8C 40 DIF 79 VIF Data4 01 00 00 00
84 40 DIF 14 VIF Data4 00 00 00 00
8C 80 40 DIF 79 VIF Data4 02 00 00 00
84 80 40 DIF 14 VIF Data4 00 00 00 00
LookNextDataPage 1F DA 16
No DIF 05 found so request next page
Request Next Data Page
6 =105B005B16 R3 EC EC CRC OK
Looking for DVIF = 05
High temperature found!
68 77 77 68 08 00 72 50 15 28 08 EE 4D 0D 04 7B 00 00 00
05= DIF 5B VIF 00 ReadData4 X0 00 61 C4 41
Looking for DVIF = 05
Next with DIF 05, Low temperature
68 77 77 68 08 00 72 50 15 28 08 EE 4D 0D 04 7B 00 00 00
05= DIF 5F VIF 00 ReadData4 X0 00 35 C4 41
Low temperature found!
Looking for DVIF = 05
Next with DIF 05, Flow rate
68 77 77 68 08 00 72 50 15 28 08 EE 4D 0D 04 7B 00 00 00