HRW HPE-BNMBUS V401 Manual 180307 E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
Page 17 of 24
Download Text File
Enter DE. The display will indicate that the existing data base is being blanked and now ‘Ready’ to
receive data base text file:
While in the ‘Ready’ state, navigate to the text file path via the Transfer / Send Text File dialogue:
After download of the text file the display will indicate a check between lines received and lines
expected (indicated by the 10000=
line count generated in the mapping tool configuration table).
If the lines check is correct then the new data base is loaded, otherwise the old data base will be
reinstalled automatically.
The download above is one meter using Primary address 0 & DVIF 04,06,0,0 assigned to the M point.
All points are as yet unread (U) on TS period operation (T) and at BACnet priority 17 (NULL priority).