HRW HPE-BNMBUS V401 Manual 180307 E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Enable M-Bus Port
Enter E to enable the M-Bus communication and enter W to write the enabled state so that it will still be
enabled after a power failure.
Note: To disable enter E again to toggle from enabled to disabled state.
Scan M-Bus Network
In terminal mode any scanning of the M-Bus network will only occur after pressing Enter as a separate
action to any other settings. After exit from terminal mode the scanning will occur automatically.
After pressing Enter, wait for the display to refresh with read values (this may take some time if the
network contains many M-Bus devices and data points).
After refresh, instead of U for unread the points now indicate S to indicate ‘Scanned’.
AV6= high temperature in IEEE coding
AV7= low temperature in IEEE coding
AV8= flow rate (no flow present)
AV9= power (no power due to no flow)
To see the IEEE floating point values (temperatures) in decimal coding enter D for Diagnostic display.
Diagnostic Display
The Diagnostic display serves two purposes; display read values in decimal coding if not already
decimal and to provide a real time feedback of the network activity for identifying incorrect data point
In Diag display the temperatures can be seen to be 25.23°C and 25.24°C respectively.