HRW HPE-BNMBUS V401 Manual 180307 E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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In this case AV4 will return the current error duration time. AV5 has been set up as energy with 1kWh
resolution (VIF 06) because if only DIF 04 was used then AV5 would read out the time/date data point
as it is the first data point having DIF 04. Including VIF 06 ensures any unwanted data points having
DIF 04 which are earlier in the sequence are skipped.
If time/date was not needed and energy was used as the DVIF because it’s units 1kWh resolution is
common to all devices on the network (VIF06), and volume is also to be read:
In this case AV4 will return the energy value related to the DVIF setting, skipping the previous data
point with DIF 04 (time/date) because it includes VIF 06 in it’s configuration, then volume is readout
based on DIF only because it is the next data point with DIF 04, immediately after the energy data point.
Now an example having a second meter on the network, Secondary address 7654642 wildcarded to
three least significant serial number digits, which also has energy with 1kWh resolution. Volume also to
be read:
AV4 returns energy from meter 7654321 based on the DVIF setting, AV5 returns volume from meter
7654321, AV6 defines meter 7654642 and returns energy based on the DVIF setting, AV7 returns
volume from meter 7654642.