Current state: UP
IP Packet Frame Type: PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware Address: 000c-29f9-366e
Description: S-Channel1/0/1:10.1 Interface
Bandwidth: 1000000kbps
Last clearing of counters: Never
# Display brief information about S-Channel 1/0/1:10.1.
<Sysname> display interface s-channel 1/0/1:10.1 brief
Brief information on interface(s) under bridge mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Speed or Duplex: (a)/A - auto; H - half; F - full
Type: A - access; T - trunk; H - hybrid
Interface Link Speed Duplex Type PVID Description
SCH1/0/1:10.1 UP -- -- -- --
# Display brief information about all S-channel interfaces and VSI interfaces in DOWN state.
<Sysname> display interface s-channel brief down
Brief information on interface(s) under bridge mode:
Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby
Interface Link Cause
SCH1/0/1:11 DOWN Not connected
SCH1/0/1:11.1 DOWN Not connected
Table 6 Command output
Field Description
Current state
Interface status:
Administratively DOWN
—The interface is administratively
—The interface is administratively up but physically
—The interface is both administratively and physically up.
Hardware Address
Hardware address of the interface.
Description Description
information for the interface.
Expected bandwidth for an S-channel interface or a VSI interface.
Default VLAN ID of the interface.
Port link-type
Link type of the interface.
Trunk port encapsulation
Encapsulation type of the trunk port.
Last clearing of counters
Last time the
reset counters interface
command was executed to
clear interface statistics.
indicates interface statistics have never been cleared since
Input (total): 6 packets, 384 bytes
Total number of packets and bytes that the S-channel interface
Output (total): 18 packets, 1152 bytes
Total number of packets and bytes that the S-channel interface