director product manager user guide
Product Manager Overview
Figure 1–2: HAFM application icon
The HAFM login dialog box displays.
Go to step 3.
— If the HAFM application window is open (
Figure 1–3
) and you need to log in
as another user or access a different HAFM server, choose Logout from the
Product menu on the menu bar to display the HAFM Login dialog box. Go
to step 3.
3. When the HAFM login dialog box displays, enter your user name and password.
The default user name is Administrator, and password is password unless changed
by your system administrator.
NOTE: The default user name for the right to view status and other information is
“operator.” The default user name for the right to modify configuration data, perform
maintenance tasks, or perform other options is “administrator.” The default password for
both user names is “password.”
4. From the drop-down list on the HAFM Login dialog box, choose the HAFM
server to which you wish to connect. Note that if you are logging into a server
locally, localhost is the server name. Type in the network address of the server if it
is not in the list.
5. Click Activate or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
The main HAFM application window displays showing the Product View.