director product manager user guide
Configuring the Director
Modifying Alerts
Use the following steps to modify an existing threshold alert configuration.
1. At the Hardware View page, choose Configure > Threshold Alerts. The
Configure Threshold Alerts dialog box displays.
Choose the alert that you want to modify when you click the alert information
in the table. If the alert is active, an error message displays prompting you to
deactivate the alert.
2. If the alert is active, click Deactivate, then choose the alert information in the
table again.
3. Click Modify. An initial Modify Threshold screen displays where you can
change the threshold type.
4. Select a threshold type from the drop-down list.
5. Click Next when you are done. A Modify Threshold screen displays where
you can change the % utilization, cumulative minutes for the threshold to
occur before notification, and the time interval for measuring throughput and
for alert notification.
6. Make appropriate changes, then continue through the Modify Threshold
screens, making changes as necessary, until the summary screen displays the
alert configuration.
7. Perform either of the following steps:
If you need to change any parameters, click Previous or Next to display
the desired Modify Threshold screen.
Click Finish when you are done.
Activating or Deactivating Alerts
Use the following steps to activate or deactivate existing threshold alerts. In the
active state, notifications are generated for the alert. In the inactive state,
notifications do not occur.
1. At the Hardware View page, choose Configure > Threshold Alerts. The
Configure Threshold Alerts dialog box displays.
The port’s current state, inactive or active, is listed under the State column.
2. To change the state, choose the alert by the alert information in the table.