director product manager user guide
optical cable
Fiber, multiple fibers, or a fiber bundle in a structure built to meet optical, mechanical, and
environmental specifications. See also jumper cable, optical cable assembly, and trunk cable.
optical cable assembly
Optical cable that is connector-terminated. See also jumper cable and optical cable.
optical fiber connector
Hardware component that transfers optical power between two optical fibers or bundles and is
designed to be repeatedly connected and disconnected.
out-of-band management
Transmission of management information using frequencies or channels (Ethernet) other than
those routinely used for information transfer (Fibre Channel).
Logical unit of information (usually in the form of a data frame) transmitted on a network. It
contains a header (with all relevant addressing and timing information), the actual data, and a
trailer (which contains the error checking function, usually in the form of a cyclic redundancy
Unique string of characters known to the computer system and to a user who must specify it to
gain full or limited access to a system and to the information stored within it.
In a network, any route between any two ports.
persistent binding
A form of server-level access control that uses configuration information to bind a server to a
specific Fibre Channel storage volume (or logical device) using a unit number.
Receptacle on a device to which a cable leading to another device can be attached.
port card
Field-replaceable hardware component that provides the port connections for fiber cables and
performs specific device-dependent logic functions.
port card map
Map showing numbers assigned to each port card by card slot.