The port the SMTP server will use for authenticated or unauthenticated SMTP connections. The default value is 25.
For secure connections, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends port 587.
SMTP Server
The IP address or DNS name of the SMTP server or the mail submission agent. This server cooperates with the mail
transfer agent to deliver the email. You can enter an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or an FQDN. This string can be up
to 63 characters.
Enable SMTP Secure Connection (SSL/TLS)
Enable this option to send AlertMail messages over a secure connection. When a message is sent, iLO and the
SMTP Server negotiate to select a common SSL/TLS connection.
iLO supports only explicit/opportunistic TLS SMTP servers (STARTTLS SMTP servers).
This value is enabled by default.
Enable SMTP Authentication
Enable this option to authenticate against the configured
SMTP Server after connecting through a secure
connection. To use this option,
Enable SMTP Secure Connection (SSL/TLS) must be enabled and you must provide
the user name and password for an email account on the SMTP server.
SMTP Username
The username (up to 63 characters) for an account on the configured
SMTP Server. This value is required if Enable
SMTP Authentication is enabled.
To clear this value, disable the
Enable SMTP Authentication option, delete the text in this box, and then click Apply.
Change SMTP Password
Click this check box to enter or update and confirm the password for the
SMTP Username account. This value is
required if
Enable SMTP Authentication is enabled, and it can be up to 63 characters long.
The password value cannot be viewed or copied from the iLO web interface.
To clear the password, disable the
Enable SMTP Authentication option, apply blank password and password
confirmation values, and then click
Disabling AlertMail
• A license that supports this feature is installed. For information about the available license types and the features they
support, see the licensing documentation at the following website:
• Configure iLO Settings privilege
1. Click Management in the navigation tree, and then click the AlertMail tab.
2. Set the Enable iLO AlertMail option to disabled.
3. To save the changes, click Apply.
Using HPE iLO 5